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EZI-DRINKA (red) - bottle holder and guard -AND SUITABLE 320ml DRINKING BOTTLE SUPPLIED-

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ezi-drinka bracket - and one with suitable 320ml bottle
Product Description

EZI-DRINKA (red) bottle holder and guard.

EZI-DRINKA -The easy to use bottle guard and holder
For the customer who prefers to use the standard type drinking bottles with ball bearings.
Suitable use- most small rodents and pets including chinchillas, degus, rats, rabbits etc. and small birds.

This is a powder-coated STEEL bracket to hold a bottle with such advantages as:
1) It is a bottle guard to prevent the bottle getting chewed.
2) It holds the bottle -so no more problem loosing the wire that secures the bottle to the mesh.
3) Easy to use as bottle just clips in and out - so less chance of dropping (and breaking) bottle especially in cold weather when hands are cold.
4) When fitted keeps the bottle in upright position.
5) Much easier to use for people who suffer with hand or finger problems.
6) Ideal mesh size for use is 3/4" or 1" square mesh but as bending tags to secure to mesh are just over 3" between them they may fit other sizes with a 3" horizontal span so as to attach.
Please be aware that the bending tags for securing to cage will break off if constantly played with.
7) Simply select a suitable place to fit and bend the bending tags to secure.

Ezi drinka is available on its own or can be supplied with suitable bottle

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